Ciao, noi stiamo bene.
La casa crollata di Golole ha ucciso un bimbo piccolo e altre due persone sono state ferite e vengono curate nell'ospedale di Sololo.
A riguardo dei rifugiati dall'Etiopia, i due Governi del Kenya e Etiopia si incontreranno il 4 e 5 Maggio.
Ho ancora una piccola somma a disposizione e aiutiamo con quello che abbiamo
Tra di loro ci sono bambini piccoli e donne gravide.
Aiuteremo come possiamo
e vi terrò informati subito dopo l'incontro tra i due Governi.


Dear Gufu,
concerning the info you gave by sms, please, let us know if these refugees from Ethiopia need immediate assistance. Is there need to feed them? Should we assist with something? Doctor says you have some extra funds with you. What is Kenyan Government doing?
Sorry to read all the sad news about the small kid that died, about the house breakdown in Golole where a child died and others were injured.

We are praying for all. Waiting for your reply
good night,


HI --- afternoon here we are okey, cornerning the refugees from Ethiopia, the government of Kenya had a meeting with they government on 4th and 5th of may, and I have some small amount of extra money and we have to help with what we have and among them are small children and pregnant women ,we will try to asst as we can, and i will info you after the meeting of the two government , cornerning the issue golole ,the little child died and the other two people injure were at sololo hospital I think I have reply all your question, thanks mum see you if god wishes,
saluta tutti familia, sololo ce piove molto benne ciao .