Activity updates
Hello.We are all fine. the weather is dry and cold in sololo.
there is alot of upper respiratory infections among children and elderly people in Sololo.
the girl from Golole is fine and discharged from Hospital. the information from hospital suggest that she drunk acharicides met to wash animals to control ticks.
the pregnancy is saved from harm. she has agreed to carry the preganacy to full term.
the comunity in Golole and relatives are folowing up the man she named as the responsible for the pregnancy.
the case was not reported to police for attempted suicide case. i will visit Golole for the way forward and provide update on wether
she will go back to school or rdop out
Moringa will be transplated on saturday.
fetching water for the 8 tanks for the guest house is on going and about to finish
dresses for the HBC children identified will be distributed on saturday at Obbitu village along side food distribution.
feel free for any clarifications
thank you
gufu guyo
please receive pictures updates for the activities done in the month of May.
Health Assessment
maize in the shamba
ovc's receiving stationaries
seedling in the nursery
seedling transplanting
seedling transplanting
stationaries distributed
top ovc's receiving award
top ovc's receiving prizes