
 ... NO, "non vendiamo bambini",
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  1) D K D
female aged 4 yrs. in nursery school.Sololo Raamata.total AIDS orphan living with grand parents

  2) Q G W
female aged 7 years. in class 2 at Sololo primary school.Mother mentally handicapped. lives with her blind granmother with other 2 total orphans

  3) F W N
A male 3 years. borne to a single mother.Mother physically handicapped. lives with mother cared for by poor grandmother

  4) T H B
Female aged 7 years in class 1 at Sololo primary school.Lives with mother who is intellectually challenged. mother is asingle parent. a bright girl.

  5) D N H
male aged 7 years in class 1 at Sololo primary.Single parent. father died of AIDS. Mother under care and support and very poor

  6) G H G
male aged 7 years. under care and support. single parent, lives with grand mother.father abandoned the child. In class 1 at Sololo primary

 7) R W G
Female aged 1 years.single mother abandoned by family. lives in make shift house due to poverty

  8) G G G
Male aged 6 years.total orphan. lives with aged grand parents. who poor. Cause of parents death suspected to be AIDS. in class 1 at Anona primary
  9) S S W
female 2 years. total orphan both parents died in road accident, child lives with aged grand mother. who is a destitute

  10) G L

Female aged 13 years in class 1 at Gada academy.Known HIV staus on Care and support.lives with grand father.lacks proper care at family level